
Friday, September 10, 2010

‘Known Issues’ Document for Samsung Fascinate Leaks

The Samsung Fascinate hasn’t been in the hands of the general public for more than a day, but Verizon is already hard at work compiling a ‘known issues’ list reporting various bugs and glitches that will need to be sorted out with future OTA updates. And the list is already quite long. Some of the various issues have short-term workarounds, though quite a few will leave you and your phone hanging if you experience them. Some of the more noteworthy bugs include:

  • Alert Notifications:
 There is no option to change the Calendar alert notification. 
Short term work around: There is no short term work around for this issue.

  • Blank Screen: 
If you are on a call and a second call comes in, you get the correct Caller ID information. If you answer the second call, the caller ID screen goes blank and does not show any caller information. 
Short term work around: There is no short term work around for this issue

  • Email Sync: 
In some cases exchange e-mail and yahoo mail can stop syncing
Short term work around: The user can manually sync
Planned Resolution: A fix for this issue will be included in the MR 1 release for this device.

  • Exchange ActiveSync Security Lock:
 The EAS security lock may be invoked earlier then the timer is set for.

  • Google and Bing Maps Latency:
 It has been reported that it takes longer then other devices to get GPS location information when using Google and Bing maps. 
Short term work around: There is no short term work around for this issue

  • Call Disconnect:
If you are on a call or in the process of receiving an incoming call and you press the search button the call may be disconnected.

  •  You can read an extensive list of other known problems over at the source link below. We’d like to think that most newly-launched devices get similar lengthy lists, but the shear number of bugs reported has us a bit worried about the Fascinate. All the more reason for VZW and Samsung to push out a Froyo update sooner rather than later, right? I know. Wishful thinking.

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