
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Google Offering Programming Courses for Free Including Android Developement Course

I was just messing around on googles code site trying to find some open source code for a few apps so I could see how they were done because I would like to get into Android Developement when I noticed something amazing that I had never heard of before. I stumbled onto a page where Google was offering a bunch of different programming courses on different languages like C++ and Python. At first this didn’t seem like a big deal because Ive seen C++ and other language tutorials all over the place. As I was looking around I noticed something that would be very usefull to anyone trying to learn Android Developement, google is actually offering two courses in android programming, the first one is a beginner course which is actually a legitimate course that was taught as a 10 week course at California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo.

The course includes power point lectures, assignments, and lab activities that go through making an Android program step by step. The second lesson is more advanced topics like resource management and things like that.I took a look at the actual material and this stuff is amazing, they go through everything about making an android program including which IDE’s to use and lots of practical examples. For anyone who is interested this thing is amazing and definitely worth checking out. There are also quite a few other classes, some examples include classes on C++ and Python, and there are numerous video lectures on more specific topics. They even have a section dedicated to web development and web security. I can only say that I wish I knew about all this stuff much sooner, I am surprised that more people do not know about this because this came as a total shock when I let my friends know what I found.
You can find all of lectures on the main google code university page


  1. Thank you - I am about to port all my iPhone apps to Android!

    Let the fun begin!

  2. I wonder if i should take that... O-0

  3. wow i didn't knwo that the first one is a beginner course which is actually a legitimate course that was taught as a 10 week course at California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo.
